
时间:2023-11-13 11:13:31 作者:admin

小小导游词幼儿园 第1篇

黄山 导游词
















九华山 导游词








天柱山 导游词





_军军部旧址 导游词









龙子湖公园 导游词








禾泉农庄 导游词 各位游客朋友们大家好!欢迎各位来到禾泉农庄游览观光,我是安徽旅行社的导游王萍,大家可以叫我小王。小王很高兴能与大家相聚于此,在游览过程中小王将竭诚为您服务,希望大家能有一个愉快的旅途。我先简单的给大家介绍一下禾泉农庄的概况。









垓下古战场 导游词











涂山 导游词









小小导游词幼儿园 第2篇




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小小导游词幼儿园 第4篇



黄山第一绝是在诸眼前的松树,它们被称为黄山奇松。它们奇特之处在于,它们与一般松树不同,由于地质 、土壤和气候等条件因素,黄山松的松针比一般松树的松针短、粗,颜色是嫩绿的,看起来比较漂亮、舒服,枝杆和松冠向平处伸展,形状如伞柄似的。再加上黄山松长在危险的悬崖峭壁之上,成为了秀丽和险峻著称的第一大奇观。有一次,我们将会在游览的过程中观赏到各种各样的松,如龙爪松、雨伞松、黑虎松和探海松等等。





小小导游词幼儿园 第5篇













小小导游词幼儿园 第6篇


Overlview of Zhangzhou Touristry 漳州旅游概要

Known as “City of flowers and fruits” and “hometown of fish and rice”, Zhangzhou is a historic and cultural city, famous for its rich produces a lot of “6 famous fruits”(tangerines, lichis, bananas, longans, pomelos, and pineapples)and “3 famous flowers”(Narcius, camellia, and orchid), as well as valuable seafood, including prawns, groupers, abalones, lobsters, mud crab, scallops, oysters, mud clams and , medicine “Pianzihuang”, and “Inkpad” produced locally are known as “three treasures” of Zhangzhou”, famous both in China and tourism handicrafts of puppet carving, seashell pictures and jade carvings of the nine-dragon wall are very popular among Chinese and foreign is a famous hometown for the overseas Chinese and 700,000 people from Zhangzhou are now living in Hong Kong and one third of the population in Taiwan is originally from has become a destination of pilgrimage and paying visits to their native hometown for the overseas Chinese and Taiwan southeast Flower Capital--Flower Museum Park 东南花都——花博园

National AAAA scenic site, it is located at Makou Town, the northeast of Zhangpu County, Zhangzhou, Fujian an area of 7800 Mu, it is the largest modern ecological agriculture park and the largest flower producer in Fujian is a multi-functional ecological tourism base which integrates flower trading with shopping, recreation, sightseeing, ecological tourism, outdoor exercise and the scenic spot, there is a flower museum, a nursery, a scientific park, a service park and the main exhibition for recreation are available for archery, swimming, angling, and is also a flower supermarket and a holiday melons and fruits, seafood, and local delicacies are served all year geological Park and Zhangzhou Coastal Volcano 漳州滨海火山 国家地质公园

The national geological park is located along the coast of Zhangpu and Longhai of Zhangzhou Municipality, Fujian an area of 100 km2, it is a typical Age 3 volcano geographical park, composed of “two mountains, two islands and three bays”.The geological geomorphologic terrain was formed by the central eruption of the volcano and the wind and sea erosion between million and million years ago, due to the movement of reflects the movement of the new generation of volcanoes and the involvement of the geological structure in the west Pacific batch of physiognomic wonders, such as the volcano outlet in the shape of eight diagrams(for fortune telling), “plum flower pole”, the column of bubble holes, corals, fish-scale shaped stone water fall, sea eroded caves, sea eroded cliffs have been created by nature, hence the name of marine terra Tianfu Tea Museum 漳浦天福茶博物院

National AAAA scenic spot and national agriculture demonstration site, it is Located at Pantuo Township, the side of No 324 State highway, the west of Zhanpu Group’s headquarter covers a ground space of 80 MU and is the largest tea museum in the consists of four exhibition halls: the main exhibition hall, the Claroom for the Chinese tea art, the hall for Japanese tea, and an art main exhibition hall displays the tea culture of the world, the history of Chinese tea development, the procedure of tea proceing, tea art and tea-ware, tea poems/paintings, and tea and statue of the “Fire seed paed from one generation to another”: Standing at the entrance of the temple, the statue is unique in displays an cow pulling a cart with a calf and the old is teaching the young how to work, indicating the tea culture paed from one generation to claroom of the Chinese tea art: Each day there are 5-6 shows of the tea art and tea courtesy of different Chinese ethnic groups from different at Zhang River Estuary 漳江口红树林 National natural reserve, it is located in the estuary of Zhang River at Yunxiao County, Fujian mangrove at Zhang River Estuary grows naturally on the beach of the tidal zone, covering an area of 2360 is the mangrove of the largest scale, the most diversified species and the best growing north of the them, Baigurang species occupies of 20 is an evergreen arbor tree species, with grey tree the mangrove are many marine organisms, including skip fish, lobsters, crabs, mud clams, sea snails, and mangrove area is also inhabited by green-head ducks, grey wild geese, bean wild geese, black-mouth gulls, and are a number of endangered species;including two Cla I state protected animals, one most endangered species, six endangered species, two threatened species, 19 state cla-II protected animals, 77 migrating birds under the protection of the Sino-Japanese agreement, 41 migrating birds under the protection of the Sino-Australian addition, there are also many seaweeds growing under the mangrove, having formed a unique natural ecological Fengdong Rock 东山风动石

A National AAAA scenic spot located at the east end of Tonglin Town, Dongshan County, Fujian directly by bus, it is 120 km from Zhangzhou city, 135 km from Shantou and 209 km from Rock scenic site covers an area of 15 major tourist attractions include Fengdongshi, Guandi Temple, ancient Tongshan Town, Hukongdiyu, Shisenbaita, Diaoaotai, Xianmianchuang, Baozhi Temple, Chenghuang Temple, Huang Daozhou Memorial Hall, Dongshan Museum, the residential relics of Huang Daozhou, stele corridor, folk custom corner, Mural of Sun rock, Guizi Rock, octagon ancient Mercy Temple 龙海慈济宫 A State-level protected cultural relic located at Baijiao Village, Jiaomei Township, Longhai city, Fujian is 30 km from the Zhangzhou was built during the Year Songjingyou, over 900 years an area of km2, the temple has been well Temple is a palace museum in South Fujian Province, belonging to the original temple of Baosheng Imperia and the original temple for Taiwan Baosheng Imperia temple faces the south and was built in the background of the mountains, rising with the mountain from the central axis, the temple has a front hall, the door yard, veranda, central hall and rear hall, from the southwest to the the two sides of the door yard, there is a bell building and a drum main tourist attraction includes Longquanjing(dragon spring well), Jizhaoding, large stone lions, Feitian yueshi(flying music angel). Temple 三平寺

A National AAAA scenic spot located in the Sanping Gorge in the territory of Wenfeng Town of Pinghe County, the Southwest of Zhangzhou city, Fujian covers a total area of over 4000 temple has three halls and two gates(internal and external), and an internal door and a gate to the are daxionbaodian, Zudian, Tadian, known as Sanluoban the opposite of the gate to the scenic spot, there stands a giant marble sculpture of the founder of the axis of the three halls is shaped as moving snake, which is unique in the temple architecture in at Sanping temple, which is over 1000 years old, the central scenic spot covers an area of 12 km2, including Sanping Temple, Guanji Park, Yinke Park, Cilang Pavilion, Maoshi Cave, Turtle Mountain, Tiger Forest, Hupa Spring, Longrui Waterfall, and the Memorial Hall commemorating the joining of the Red Army forces, hence the name of 8 ancient scenic spots and 24 modern scenic attracts a lot of visitors especially when ceremonies are held each year on lunar January 6th to celebrate the birthday of the founder of the temple, on lunar June 6th to mark the anniversary of the founder entry to religion, and on lunar November 6th to celebrate the anniversary of the death the founder of the Tianluokeng Earth-building Group 南靖田螺坑土楼群

group, with a grand on the middle of the mountain, facing the south, it is composed of five earth square building, called Buyunlou(Cloud stepping building)stands in the middle, and surrounded by three round buildings(Ruiyun Buiding, Hechang Building and Zhenchang Building)and one elliptical building(Wenchang Building).Five buildings were built according to the positions of “gold, wood, water, fire, and earth”, and not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for the function of & Delicacies of Zhangzhou

Noodles Seasoned noodles are made from the ingredients of shredded pork, shredded bamboo shoots, mushrooms, squids, dried shrimp and day lilies as the are stir fried and boiled with pork bone soup, and then MSG, sugar, and salt and sweet potato starch is added to make a the noodles are served, they are added with fried leek, bean sprouts and the seasoning, and some black pepper, fried ground garlic, fried shredded fish and Sesame Dates Pinghe County is famous for its tea deert for more than 70 sesame dates are made from sticky rice, taro, sugar, maltose, peanut oil and white sesamum in three is featured in being crispy, tender, sweet and Salty Duck Nansheng Salty Duck has a history of hundreds years and is named after Nansheng town of Pinghe County where the duck is salty Duck is made from the local native slaughtered ducks are gutted, salted, and dried in the sunlight in a series of proceing procedure for several salty duck is a convenient only needs to be washed and steamed before being rice wine is added, the smell and taste will be even (Hand grabbing noodles)Shouzhuamain, known as “Douganmainfen” or “Wuxiangmianfen” locally, is made from wheat flour material, ingredients and wheat flour material is the alkali noodles which are boiled and spread in a round shape on a bamboo screen to form pan-cakes(called “Mianfen” locally).When it is served on the table, “Mianfen” is laid with fried tofu, or “five spiced rolls”, as well as sweet flour jam, peanut jam, mustard jam and garlic vinegar jam and eaten by grabbing with the fingers, hence the name of “Shouzhuamian”(hand grabbing noodles”).A popular tea cake, shaped in pillow in the size of a little finger, Xiaoxi pillow cake is produced through a number of fine , the stuffing of the cake has to be carefully are fine wheat flour, pork fat, and ingredients are made according to the “secret formula”, to ensure that the stuffing will melt as soon as put into mouth without having the cake is baked with small fire in a pan, which requires a high skill to ensure an even baking and avoid traditional pillow cakes are packed in two layers, separated by bamboo package contains eight is the root of Bajitian herb, also named Buchou herb and Sanman a valuable Chinese medical herb, it has the functions of invigorating the kidney and strengthening Yang, expelling wind-evil, resolving wetne, and nourishing the book entitled “Shennong Bencao Jing” Bajitian is highly valued as the “Southern Jinsen”.Hexi Township has become a major producer of Bajitian in China and gained the reputation of the “home of Bajitian”.A number of proceed Bajitian products, including Bajitian wine, have been developed and produced Ink Pad It is made from top quality of pearl, agate, muskine, coral, monkey dates, plum slice and Airong, mixed with castor oil, and bright colour, and aromatic smell, the ink pad would neither melt in water;nor dry in dry weather;nor mould in rainy season;nor leak oil in summer and nor freeze in the ink pad does not lose its colour in either water or fire, it has been fancied by calligraphers and painters both domestically and has won the excellence prize and special prize respectively on the Southeast Asian fair and the Panama Guanxi Pomelo Big in size and sweet in taste, Guanxi pomelo is originated in the valley of Guanxi River and is the traditional valuable fruit produced in Pinghe pomelo has been grown in the local area for over 500 Qianlong years of Qing Dynasty, Guanxi pomelo was the tribute article for the Emperor granted Guanxi pomelo a stamp and a black dragon flag as the tag for the unique flavour of the fruit has won the first prize in the succeive five years on the national pomelo in an advanced position in China, Guanxi pomelo has gained the reputation of “Pomelo King”. Banana Banana is one of the six major fruits produced in Fujian by the Jiulong River and backed by Tianbao Mountain, Tianbao Township has a mild and humid climate which provides a favourable condition for the growth of bananas produced in Tianbao are famous at home and abroad, due to their thin skin, nice smell, sweet taste, soft meat and no Tea foodstuffs Produced exclusively by Tianren Foodstuff Plant of Tianfu Group, Tianfu tea cakes are made from the quality materials through modern proceing technique in a strictly controlled in low sugar, low fat and low calorie, the products have paed ISO9001 and ISO9002 International quality present, there are over 50 products in 6 major categories: sweets, cakes, tea cakes, preserved fruits, nuts, and instant tea products are sold all over the company has established a number of franchise shops in Taiwan, America, Canada, Japan, and Malaysia, and has become a intra-group which owns nearly one hundred franchised Paper Cutting Zhangpu paper cutting is a technique based dominantly by “Yin cutting” and aisted by “Yang cutting”.When displaying feather and flower pedals, the artists often use the technique of “row cutting”, to create a vivid image of the object which is as fine and dense as traditional subjects for the local paper cutting include flowers, birds, melons, fruits, fish and insects, as well as lucky symbols, historic stories and paper cuttings of “Cock Fighting”, “Rats Wedding”, “Couple Lotus Flower” and “Twelve Zodiac Symbols” are the most Cotton Portraits The portraits are made mainly from de-fat cotton by applying the principle and rules of painting in combination with the techniques of colour Caizha(handicraft)and emboment through pinching, moulding, plaster, drop-dye and framing to form a strong three-dimensioned cotton fabric is fine and soft in quality, and identical to feather and leather, the portraits are mainly made in the subjects animals, such as cranes, peacocks, eagles, cats and the cotton portrait was first developed in early 1960s, dozens of varieties of portraits in several categories have been made, and become popular house decorations and Pianzaihuang Pianzaihuang is an outstanding product of the traditional Chinese herbal medicine, known as “famous medicine of national treasure” among the overseas is a medicine proceed from the traditional valuable Chinese medical herbs, with a history of over 450 is made from the valuable Chinese herbs, including Shexiang, Niuhuang, snake’s gall and is remarkably effective in curing chronic liver disease, diminishing inflammations, killing pains, preventing wounds of cutting and burning from inflammation, accelerating the healing of Narcisus Narcius is a provincial flower of Fujian province and the city flower of Zhangzhou has been grown in Zhangzhou for over 500 techniques for growing and ikebana of narcius are gradually developed to an exquisite botanic botanists have created the narcius carving bonsai technique which can make narcius bloom in the predicted the spring Festival each year, every house hold would have narcius greening and the aroma of narcius symbolizes good luck and Folk Culutre

Famous for their strong, aggreive and skilful fighting tactics, the Zhangzhou fighting cocks have been listed as one of the four major types of fighting rooster in have repeatedly established the reputation of being “unbeatable” in the competitions held in Taiwan, Hong Kong and the Southeast Asian recent years, the development of the cock fighting industry has been promoted in Zhangzhou Municipality and a cock fighting society has been established in local society has organized activities of “cock king competition” and Zhangzhou cock fighting culture fair, established a website of Zhangzhou cock fighting and Zhangzhou native fighting cocks farm, which have attracted attention both at home and Zhuma(Bamboo Horse)Opera

Nanjing Zhuma opera originated in Mazhen of Tang Dynisty, became popular in Song Dynasty and reached its peak in Qing (bamboo horse)is also called Mayi(horse art), madeng(horse lamp), zhumadeng(bamboo horse lamp), using a bamboo horse as the bamboo horses are made from bamboo skins for the framework, which are glued with red, black, blue and white paper to form the horse the performance is presented, the front part of the horse is hung in front of the actor’s belly while the rear part of the horse is arranged on the waist of the this way, the actor looks like riding the opera is sung with Gezai melody in the local dialect spoken in the southern dialogue is presented with colloquial doggerel in the performance and displays a strong rural style and deep folk Xiang Opera

Xiang opera is a major local opera, originally named Gezai opera, also named Zidi opera was originated in Jinge of Zhangzhou, but developed and formed in Yilan of is very popular in the Southern Fujian province, including Zhangzhou, Xiamen, and Quanzhou, as well as Yilan of Taiwan and the Southeast countries where many overseas Chinese have Opera is mainly presented in the Southern Fujian dialect by actors and actre, which is vivid, humorous and easy to are over 500 traditional Xiang opera representatives include “Lei Wanchun beat Tiger”, “nectornade in Hometown of Overseas Chinese”, “An-an Looking for Mother”.The feature of Xiang opera is that it has more singing than speaking, with strong rhythm, expreive force and folk sentiment.

小小导游词幼儿园 第7篇







小小导游词幼儿园 第8篇






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小小导游词幼儿园 第12篇





















一、导游词的特点 :三性三化三感

1、真实性 ;

2、生动性 ;


1、知识化 ;

2、规范化 ;


1.层次感; 2.方向感;3.趣味感


小小导游词幼儿园 第13篇








小小导游词幼儿园 第14篇





小小导游词幼儿园 第15篇





小小导游词幼儿园 第16篇


Overview of Quanzhou TouristryQuanzhou is a well-known hometown for overseas Chinese and a majority of the Han population in total population in the municipality is over 9 million of Han nationality in Taiwan are originally from recent years, the number of visitors from Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao has been come back for pilgrimage to their visit ancestors’ graves, visit their families and friends, make investments and conduct busine and has greatly promoted the social and economic development in is one of first 24 important national historic and cultural cities announced by the State Tang Dynasty to Yuan Dynasty, “Citong Port” in Quanzhou was one of the major ports for foreign was the departure point of “marine silk route” and enjoyed the grand reputation of “largest oriental port”.The city has numerous famous scenic spots, cultural and historic 399 protected cultural relics in the city, 12 are of state level and 37 are of province Ancient Town “natural film studio” and “Beidaihe in the South”.It is located at Chongwu Township, the coastal jag in the east of Hui-an site covers an area of 300 Mu, winding along the coastline, composed of Chongwu ancient town, Hui-an women glamour, the granite carving museum, and Earth well-preserved T-shaped city wall of Chongwu ancient town is located on just the opposite of the scenic is regarded as “case of the ancient systematic civil work due to its unique area has been listed by provincial tourism Bureau as the key construction project for tourism and announced by Quanzhou Municipal Government as the first batch of famous scenic spots, receiving over one million tourists each Mountain Quanzhou is 2 km from the down town and directly acceible by sight is known as “ Penglai Mountain in Fujian Province” and the “Back garden of Quanzhou”.The scenic sight covers a total area of 62 km2, consisting Qingyuan Mountain, Jiuri Mountain, Lingshan secret tomb, and Mountain has three national key culture relics located on 8 most attractive site is the giant granite statue of an old gentleman, which is meters high, meters thick and meters an area of 55 m2, it is the largest Taoist granite statue existing at present in addition, there are also Islamic tombs in Song Dynasty, Qifeng rock calligraphy group on Jiuri Mountain, the granite statue of “Sanshifu(Three-generation Buddha)”of Tibetan Buddhism of Yuan Dynasty, the giant granite statue of “Amituofu”, and the Buddhist relics of Hongyi master, the senior monk in modern history, and the Buddhist relics of Hui-an native Guanqin master monk which is brought back from mountain has gathered rock calligraphies of Taoism, Confucius, Buddhism, Muslim, Muni, as well as many fine calligraphy since Tang and Song Dynasties, hence the name of “Museum of Stone Carving”. Mountain Sacred Tomb

Fengze District Forest is the best protected Muslim relics existing in an area of 300 m2, the existing tomb is a pagoda shaped Islamic tomb, located in the north and facing the tomb, measuring meter long, meters wide and meters tall, is structured in three the east, west and north of the tomb are horse-shoe shaped protection cloisters for 9 chambers which are 11 meters wide and meters the cloisters, there are 5 monument stones of different front there is a shining-green monument stone carved with Arabic the right it is the monument stone which was laid when Zhenghe came to burn jo sticks before he started the 5th voyage the Arab world, the tomb on the Ling Mountain is the third important sacred tomb, next to Muhammad’s tomb in Mecca and Ari Tomb in Mosque National key culture relics, it is located in the middle section of Tumen Street, Licheng District, covering an area of 2500 Mosque faces the street in the South, with a pointed dome dome has three layers: inside, middle and the external wall, there is a statue on the top, which is carved with “Alcoran” in back wall of the mosque is carved with ancient Arabic script, recording the time of construction and repair and the the mosque, there is a stone carving of the emperor’s instruction about the protection of the Islamic mosque in Yongle Year 5 of Ming Dynasty(1407).On top of the mosque gate, there is a platform named “platform looking at the moon” which is built with bricks in the shape of Temple National key culture relics, it is a 1000-year old temple, famous in China and in Wuzetian Chuigong Year 2 of Tang Dynasty(Year 686), the temple is Located in the west street of Lincheng District, Quanzhou, Fujian temple has a history of over 1300 years, covering an area of 78,000 Temple is evenly laid in from the gate, there are the Hall of Heaven King, Praying Pavilion, east and west Corridors, the Precious Hall of Great Hero, Ganlujietan, and scripture buildings are laid spectacularly and neatly in a Kaiyuan Temple, there stood the east pagoda and the west pagoda, which are also called Ziyun couple east pagoda is named Zhenguo Pagoda, which was made from the wood initially and later replaced by the brick at the height of west pagoda is named Renshou pagoda, which was built from the timber sent by Wang Shenzhi, the king of was named “emotal pagoda”.It was replaced by brick structure in the northern Song Dynasty and changed again to stone pagoda in the Southern Song Dynasty at the height of west pagoda was built 10 years earlier than the east pagoda


A National cultural relics located over Luoyang River, 20 km northeast off construction of the bridge started in 1053 and was completed in length is 834 meters and width, 7 meters, with 31 the two sides of the bridge, there are fences, on top of which there stand delicately carved lion stone bridge is also decorated with 7 pavilions, 9 pagodas and knight statues standing at each the unique architecture, the bridge is famous both at home and abroad and has gained the reputation of “ bridge acro the sea”.On the outside of the bridge, there are 500 carved stone railings and 28 carved stone lions, symbolizing 28 famous craftsmen;and 81 Buddha statues, including the Moon the north of the bridge, there is a courtyard, which is known as the courtyard in the south of Fujian 、Anping Bridge A national key culture relic located at Anhai Town of Jingjiang City, Fujian Province, acce to the highway between Fuzhou and Xiamen and the national road No Bridge extends over the bay between Anhai Township of Jingjiang and Shuitou Township of construction of the bridge started in Shaoxing Year 8 of Song Dynasty(1138)and completed in Shaoxing Year 22(1152).Made of granite piers, the bridge is 2700 meters long and it was the longest bridge in the ancient times, known as “no bridge would be longer than this bridge”.The construction of Anping Bridge is unique, because the original piers were designed in three different shapes: square, semi-boat, and foundation of the bridge adopted “sunken foundation covered by wood” and wooden piles respectively according to the different earth surface of the bridge was laid with granite slates of 5-11 meters long and tons bridge surface was laid by utilizing the rising and falling of the Mountain the territory of Dehua, in the middle of Fujian Province and the southeast part of mid Daiyun Mountain Mountain is famous for its vicious cliff, strange-shaped rocks, strange-looked trees and mysterious the park, there are high mountains and a dense forest, with humid climate, excellent natural environment, and is a kingdom of plants and paradise of major tourism attractions include the main peak of Niushi Mountain, Daixian double water falls, bamboo raft drifting on Taoxian Stream, rubber boat drifting on Shilong Stream, Tadou hot spring, Peach-flower Island, the relics of Fujian Provincial committee Forest Ecological Sightseeing Zone As a National AAAA scenic spot and provincial natural reserve, it is located at Xiayang town, the west of Yongchun County, Quanzhou of Fujian forest is the extension of Daiyun Mountain with an attitude of 1,105 is the largest and best preserved primary forest at present in South main sightseeing area in Niumu forest ecological zone covers 1,000 ha, consisting over 40 scenic most famous sites are the ecological and scientific popularization museum, orchid garden, Yongchun Tangerine orchard, Qingqian Liule Garden, Cuckoo Castle, board root, strangled killing, parasitic cauline flower, Fujian phoebe trees, yew, foliage, Woniutan, Zhonglidizhu, entertainment activities offered for tourists include cable sliding at high altitude, gra ski fashion, mock hunting, standard shooting, archery, and jungle field Qingshui Crag

As National AAAA scenic spot and provincial-level culture relics, it is a tourist attraction and religious shrine, located on Penglai Mountain, 15 km northwest from the Anxi County suburb, the hometown of the Iron Buddha a total area of km2 with the peak reaching the altitude of 767 meters, it consists of the temple and pilgrimage zone, Qiyu(praying for rain)ecological zone, Qinshan Recreation zone and memorial convenience of transportation, it is about 70 km from Quanzhou, 100 km from Xiamen and 120 km from existing temple was built after 1966 and Qingshui Crag is the burial place of Qingshui master monk, a famous monk in Song is a belief of Qingshui master monk has a wide influence in the Southern Fujian province, Taiwan and Southeast Asian Taiwan alone, there are over 200 temples named Qingshui Delicacies and Specialities

Glutinous Rice Dumpling of Meat Stuffing

The glutinous rice dumplings of meat stuffing are made in a dainty ingredients are mainly glutinous rice, together with half-fat pork and other ingredients, such as taro, chestnut, bran shrimp, lotus seed, chicken, ham and bamboo Yuanhetang Preserved Fruits and Vegetables

Quanzhou Yuanhetang preserved fruits and vegetables are traditional foods, made from different varieties of fruit and enjoy a great reputation all over the world for their sweet and pleasant taste.“Yuanhetang” is a 80-year-old firm proceing preserved fruits and the function of nourishing the stomach and spleen;promoting appetite, Yuanhetang products are regarded as the best selection for entertaining guests while drinking Chinese originally from the Southern Fujian Province like to take Yuanhetang preserved fruits and vegetables back to their residential country while people in China like to choose “Yuanhetang” products as souvenirs for their overseas relatives and Tie Kuan-yin Tea

Anxi Iron Kuanyin Tea also known as heart Kuanyin tea and red shape Kuanyin is the top quality Wulong Tea, the famous tea produced in Fujian iron Kuanyin tea produced in Anxi County, Quanzhou Municipality contains a number of biological alkaline, vitamins and tannin, protein and aromatic has the special function of easing anxiety, improving eyesight, preventing arteriosclerosis and cancer, extending youth and mitigating Puppet Head

Quanzhou puppets have a complete image in figures are widely selected from the figures and roles in the folk operas and legends, roughly divided into 5 major types: Sheng(male), Dan(young female), Jing(painted face, male), Mo(middle aged male), Chou(clown, male or female).There are over 300 puppet masks, which display beautiful shapes, vivid drawings, clear characters, unique artistic styles and local Granite Sculpture

Hui-an granite sculpture is a folk carving craftwork, made from top quality granite(shining-green rock)and carved finely into different sizes of delicate handicrafts, such as round carving, floating carving, line carving, and shadow granite sculptures produced in Hui-an can be either large as the size which should be lifted and installed by cranes or can be small as the size which can float on the surface of the are beautiful in shape, fine in workmanship, unique in artistic style and strong in local granite sculpture has a history of 1600 years, well-known as the “home of granite sculptures”. Bear Gall

Fujian Guizhentang Pharmacy Development utilizes the rich resource of bear gall from Qianshan Group and has developed Qianshan brand bear gall products, such as bear gall powder, bear gall health tea and bear gall company uses the extracted substances from bear galls with other valuable Chinese herb medicine to develop different varieties of new galls are bitter in taste and cold in nature, having the function of clearing the heat, relieving spasm, improving eye-sight, and killing to the Chinese medicine, bear gall is effective in curing red eye disease, sore throat, infantile convulsion of children, indigestion and pain caused by Panacea Leaven

Laofanzhi Panacea Leaven is a proceed traditional Chinese medicine, which is a light grey coloured block in aromatic smell and slightly sweet the functioned in adjusting the stomach, nourishing the spleen, expelling wind-evil, settling indigestion, and promoting appetite, resolving wetne, it can be applied to treat flue and cold, heat exhaustion in summer, stomach-ache caused by indigestion and vomiting and Rice sculpture

“Zhauggaoren(rice figure)” is made of ground rice(glutinous rice), wheat flour and skill of making the rice figures mainly relies on the dexterous tools needed are also simple: small sciors, fine comb, gold paper, feathers, bamboo strap and iron figures made from the dough are generally taken from the stories in four famous major Chinese works, such as “The master travels to the west with his apprentice to obtain scriptures”, “Three brothers in the Peach Orchard”, “Twelve Golden hairpins” and “Wusong kills tiger”.The figures are they are made, it takes several days for them to dry under the sunlight, and then paint with a coat of oil to make them shine and to preserve them for a long Folk Colour cotta

Quanzhou Folk Colour Cottas are made from paper as figures of ancient work of making colour cotta is divided into standing work and sitting standing work generally refers to making large scale works, such as “Giant Mountain” “Lingcuo” and “Colour Building while sitting work refers to making fine works, including famous figures, birds and modern colour cotta techniques, the material is earth, wax, plastics, cloth and silk to enhance the expreive folk colour cotta in Quanzhou has a broad influence in China and works of “56 ethnic groups”, “Hui-an maidens”, “Maidens form tea producing area”, “Girls from Fishermen Family”, “Lady of Southern Music” designed by Quanzhou JIngxiu Firm have won excellence prizes on the First China Tourism Souvenir competition, and the prize of the best commodity on the First Fujian Provincial Tourism Painted Bamboo Baskets

Yonghcun painted bamboo baskets are unique traditional handicrafts produced are made from over 20 raw materials, including gold foil, fine bamboo skin, raw paint, Chinese wood oil, Xiabu, dongfen through over 30 procedures of moulding, boiling, lining, and painting for over two are over 100 varieties of products including flat baskets, patterned baskets and full baskets, shaped in round, ridged, hexagon, oval, as well as fruit boxes and painted Paper Woven Picture

Yongchun paper woven pictures are a special traditional handicraft, initiated at the end of Sui Dynasty and the beginning of Tang Dynasty, with a history of over 1400 pictures have been sent to over 40 countries for exhibition, presented to the foreign friends as souvenirs, and have become the “friendship envoy” for the promotion of the diplomatic County has been granted by the Ministry of Culture the title “Home of China Paper Woven Pictures” and listed for the protection under the “Folk Art Protection Project”. Ceramics

Dehua ceramics is the traditional was started in the Tang Dynasty, developed in Song and Yuan Dynasty and made a breakthrough in Ming white ceramics produced in Dehua have the reputation of being “white as snow, thin as paper, smooth as jade”.Dehua ceramics is famous especially for its statue of Kuanyin which was made by the senior master He Chaosong and named “Helai Kuan” after his “Ivory White” ceramic statue developed by him is a valuable object unparallel in the world, known as the “crown jewel in the international ceramic sector”.Quanzhou Folk Culture

Ceramic culture

“Dehua has many beautiful ceramics”, is how the Italian traveller Marko Polo described manufacture has a long history in both in China and overseas for its top quality, fine workmanship, the porcelain industry in Dehua is regarded as one of the three major porcelain capitals in China, together with Jingde town of Jiangxi Province and Lilin of Hunan Ming Dynasty, the “Ivory White” ceramics developed by the great master He Chaozong surprised the world and was named “China White” by the describe Dehua top white porcelain as “white as snow, thin as paper, bright as mirror” and describe Dehua Jianbai porcelain as “smooth and transparent as condensed lipid and frozen jade”.The porcelain Kuanyin made in Dehua is called “Oriental Venus”. of Hui-an women costumes

The costume culture of Hui-an women dates back into the ancient wore a yellow scarf, a blue short blouse, silver chain and large trousers, which are unique in the national costume blue short blouse displays the colour of sea and sky, the yellow bamboo hats symbol the land and beach;the flowery scarf indicates the movement of mountain flowers and sea blouses are tight and short, exposing the navel, displays their characters of being bold, flexible, but costume of Hui-an women is always focused on the body above the waist, especially on the head decoration which differs in patterns, occasions and Hui-an women attend weddings or ceremonies, the head decoration should be bright and colourful to display the “happine”.The old women of Hui-an usually have a bob on the back of the head and wear a black scarf with pins decorated with beads and flowers, which displays a unique Opera Culture

Dacheng Play

Dacheng play is also named Fashi Play, Monk Play, Douist play and originated from the religion and folk activities in by combining Buddhist and Taoist activities, it is a religious play, rarely seen in play provides religious services for both Buddhism and Play was born in Quanzhou and nourished by Quanzhou folk arts, and is especially deeply influenced by thread controlled puppet emerging as a new play, it has displayed its uniquene in Southern Fujian folk operas due to its super Kongfu and play is known for its kongfu which applies Quanzhou South Shaolin opera has preserved lots of folk stunts, acrobatics and adopting Taoist and Buddhist music, and “Puppet melody” of thread controlled puppets, the music of the opera displays a unique religious Opera

Quanzhou Liyuan opera is a rare and valuable opera in China, because it still preserves the characteristics of Southern opera from Tang and Song in Quanzhou, it has spread to Taiwan and the Southeast Asian Countries in the footsteps of the emigrants from preserved a large repertoire of southern opera from Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties, Liyuan opera has been called the “living foil” of opera and is one of the oldest operas existing in opera is sung by Quan has preserved a lot of important music from Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty and is closely related with the ancient music--Southern music of Liyuan opera is mainly played by the bamboo flute and string music (Southern Tone)

Nanyin(Southern tone)is an old and beautiful music and is called the “root of the Chinese national music”.Quanzhou is the cradle of the Southern has become very popular, after it was enriched, matured and optimized by absorbing the strengths from Central China culture, Fujian culture and maritime in Quanzhou, Southern tone has not only extended to Southern Fujian Province where Southern Fujian dialect is spoken, but also spread to the Southeast Asian countries, Hong Kong, Macao and paing from one generation to another, it has become increasingly popular as a “home tone” full of strong paion for the loving the hometown and the Chinese and foreign scholars have complimented Quanzhou southern tone as the “treasure in the Chinese claic music”.

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